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Ben Tre trip

The driving force behind this trip is my curiosity about this western area, its people, culture, landscape.


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PHP json_encode return empty array [] instead of empty object {}

Problem: Get below array for example.  $status = array ( "message" => "error" , "club_id" => $_club_id , "status" => "1" , "membership_info" => array (), ); This array will be encoded in json format echo json_encode($status); This function return json: {"message":"error","club_id":275,"status":"1","membership_info": [] } Notice the empty array [], it is not consistent, it should be an empty object {} {"message":"error","club_id":275,"status":"1","membership_info": {} } The cause: This problem is caused by the called function array(), which yields an empty array [] Solution: There are 2 solutions for this issue: Solution 1: Call new stdClass instead of array(), stdClass generates an empty object {} Solution 2: The above solution is complex in case there are plenty of arr...


A friend of mine ask me if a server can know where we come from before we go to that server (referal link). YES. This information is the field "HTTP_REFERRER" in $_SERVER of the coming request. Here is an example: For the reason of SEO, some guys do not want any server know about this referal link that points to their own server. Here are some solutions: HTML5: Add norefer attribute   No REFERRER PHP redirect: <?php header( 'Location: ' ) ; ?> .... lot of solutions lol

Sub-program (procedure and function) in SQL

What is sub-program in SQL? Sub-program is a programming unit which is created in a database to perform some tasks on data. Basic usages of sub-program? Create CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION Delete DROP PROCEDURE or DROP FUNCTION Two kinds of sub-program: PROCEDURE: perform an action but NOT return a value, but we can get output value by OUT variables. and FUNCTION: compute and return a value Create procedure: CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] PROCEDURE procedure_name [( parameter_name [ IN | OUT | IN OUT ] type [, ...])] { IS | AS } BEGIN < procedure_body > END procedure_name ; Create function: CREATE [ OR REPLACE ] FUNCTION function_name [( parameter_name [ IN | OUT | IN OUT ] type [, ...])] RETURN return_datatype { IS | AS } BEGIN < function_body > END [ function_name ]; What is cursor? A cursor holds the rows (one or more) returned by a SQL statement. Triggers are stored programs, which are automatically executed or fired wh...