There is a major rich-poor divide in Vietnam these days: people in high-income areas continue to have a much better chance of living longer than those in low-income area. For example, a boy born in 2012 in a high-income area can expected to live to the age of around 76, which is 16 years longer than a boy born in a low-income area. For girls, the gap is wider - 19 years separates life expectancy in high-income (82 years) and low-income areas (63 years). So there is a corresponding uptick in life expectancy if the income is higher.
A friend of mine ask me if a server can know where we come from before we go to that server (referal link). YES. This information is the field "HTTP_REFERRER" in $_SERVER of the coming request. Here is an example: For the reason of SEO, some guys do not want any server know about this referal link that points to their own server. Here are some solutions: HTML5: Add norefer attribute No REFERRER PHP redirect: <?php header( 'Location: ' ) ; ?> .... lot of solutions lol
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